19 March 2009


Have you ever seen a more beautiful day than today? Yes, it's cold; yes, it's raining. That's not what I mean. Sure the weather has an effect on our mood, but why let rain get you down? Today is beautiful because we make it that way. Look around. Where are you? Could it be worse?

What I'm saying is our attitude on life and our attitude toward ourselves are what make our life miserable or blissful. Yes, we all go through trials. Terrible things happen to everyone, sometimes all at once. But, they'll only make you a stronger, and better person. Instead of dwelling on the negative, why not just be happy? Smile at somebody. They'll smile back, and if they don't who cares? Love yourself. You're pretty dang awesome right? You know it; I know it. Now show the world! Do little things to remind everybody why you rock. Tell a joke, compliment somebody, sing. It doesn't matter what you do... JUST DO IT!

embrace today. it's beautiful.

signing off...
captain shaunna