27 January 2011


I've had really bad skin for ...well... as long as I can remember. It's left me with lots of scarring and made me pretty unhappy with the way I look without makeup.  So, of course, I usually wear tons of makeup.  Not like OMG I'm a drag queen (although sometimes... but that's a different story) But I wear the works: foundation, concealer, powder, blush, eyeliner, eyeshadow, mascara, eye pencil, lipstick, and then a setting spray.  It's really become an addiction.  But then I thought, "hey self, what if this makeup is what's making your skin suck?"  and then I answered myself.  I said "Self, you're probably right.  Let's try something new!"  So I am.  I'm trying something new

I finished off my bottle of foundation (because I couldn't bear to waste it. stuff's expensive ya know!) and then I went out and bought all new.  I got Physicians Formula, the organic line.  Powder, blush, and a tinted moisturizer.  2/3 which happened to be on sale at 75% off. HECK YEAH! Anyway, I've been wearing that.  The powder really covers a lot better than I had anticipated. 

Also, I've been giving myself honey facials.  Never underestimate the power of the bee!  I had a thought one night that honey is good for everything, so I got on trusty google, and lo! and behold! People have been using it for skin treatment since Cleopatra.  And those Egyptians know what's up!  So every other night I smear honey on my face and let it there for about a half hour.  It's nice because if it gets on my lips I can lick it off and that's just yuuum.

Anyway, I can't exactly say for sure that this is all working.  But I can say that this morning when I woke up and looked in the mirror, I actually thought I looked cute.  Yeah, cute! Not scary or anything.  My skin looked pretty darn good.  Not perfect, that's a while away yet, but I'll take all the improvement I can get.

Yay for being an organic organism.  ORGANICISMS ROCK!

Princess Signing Off
P.S. Harry, I'm getting prettier, does that mean you'll marry me yet?