14 August 2008


So I was going to do a myspace survey, but then i realised that they all ask the same questions, and anybody who cares enough to read it, already knows my answers. So, i've decided to waste my time on something more productive. Writing in my diary, that nobody else can read, except for of course anybody with the internet and the patience.

So I was getting attatched to this boy that I call jenny, which if anybody from work reads this, they'll know exactly who i mean but i don't really care anymore. but jenny is 17 and going off to college. I'm kinda sad about both of those things, I mean he's jailbait, and i don't get to see him anymore? How fair is that? He says i'll see him again, but things never turn out that way.

I guess the thing is, i'm starting to think that maybe this perpetually single thing isn't working out for me. All my friends have somebody, so when we hang out, i'm always the odd girl out. Finding a guy who comes close to being worthy of me, and is in the slightest bit interested, is harder than it seems. I mean, honestly, why is it always the ugly ones that are ballsy enough to say things to me? And when there's somebody that I'm comfortable with, and vise versa, they always leave. Whether temporary or long term, it's always long enough to make things awkward when i see them again.

damn. I quit.