20 August 2009

Have You Ever Done Something...

Have you ever done something that society tells you to be ashamed of, but you just can't bring yourself to feel bad about it? I'm beginning to feel bad because I don't feel bad. Does this mean that I DO feel bad about it? I'm confused.

19 March 2009


Have you ever seen a more beautiful day than today? Yes, it's cold; yes, it's raining. That's not what I mean. Sure the weather has an effect on our mood, but why let rain get you down? Today is beautiful because we make it that way. Look around. Where are you? Could it be worse?

What I'm saying is our attitude on life and our attitude toward ourselves are what make our life miserable or blissful. Yes, we all go through trials. Terrible things happen to everyone, sometimes all at once. But, they'll only make you a stronger, and better person. Instead of dwelling on the negative, why not just be happy? Smile at somebody. They'll smile back, and if they don't who cares? Love yourself. You're pretty dang awesome right? You know it; I know it. Now show the world! Do little things to remind everybody why you rock. Tell a joke, compliment somebody, sing. It doesn't matter what you do... JUST DO IT!

embrace today. it's beautiful.

signing off...
captain shaunna

19 February 2009

Do Princes Really Have to be Politically Correct?

Alright, so my love Prince Harry has gotten himself into a bit of trouble again. And all I want to know is, what's the big deal?

Haz is going to be taking an "equality and diversity awareness" class that will be payed for by the British tax payers. Not on his own accord, but through orders of his regiment. Why? Well, Harry referred to his Afghani friend as an "Affy". Apparently, Harry was being racist.


how many times have we had a nick-name for our friends that had to do with our backgrounds or physical appearance? It's just a part of life. There is no reason for Harry to take this course. Political correctness is ruining good friendly fun. It's taking away our thoughts, or at least controling them. How can we fully express ourselves if we are constantly concerned with offending the weaker beings? If they can't toughen up and deal with it, they deserve to be offended.

Life Has Changed A Lot

well, I'm not sure where to start. i'm a different girl than i was the last time i blogged.

I'm finally happy with school. I switched over to a Theatre major, so I'm actually learning about something that I care about. Been helping out with the play Two Gentlemen of Verona. And by helping out i mean i've been babysitting the dog during the show... she's a diva.

oh yeah, and i'm in love. It's strange because I never saw it coming... well i guess i did, but not immediately. I've been dating Chris for just about 4 months now. He picked me, no idea why, but i'm glad he did. I wasn't lying when i told guys that i didn't date. It was true, so if your reading this, and i've hurt your feelings, i didn't mean to. i was never really sure why i didn't date, until chris happened. then i realised that i was just waiting for him. alright enough of this sappy crap!

On 11 November, my house caught on fire. It wasn't burnt entirely to the ground, but it may as well have been. It is still in the process of being rebuilt, which makes no sense to me because they put up new houses in a week in those new developments, but then again, maybe i'm stupid. So i'm living in an appartment three blocks away from home. My nan's best friend lives downstairs, its her house. I don't really mind except that it makes it hard to forget that we're living in somebody else's house when she comes up the stairs to go to her attic or other things like that. Hopefully we'll be back home by early spring, but i don't know. The siding has been half-way done for a week or so, and they haven't done anything inside since then either. there are no upstairs walls yet, and i'm not sure what all has to be done. *sigh* oh well.