19 February 2009

Life Has Changed A Lot

well, I'm not sure where to start. i'm a different girl than i was the last time i blogged.

I'm finally happy with school. I switched over to a Theatre major, so I'm actually learning about something that I care about. Been helping out with the play Two Gentlemen of Verona. And by helping out i mean i've been babysitting the dog during the show... she's a diva.

oh yeah, and i'm in love. It's strange because I never saw it coming... well i guess i did, but not immediately. I've been dating Chris for just about 4 months now. He picked me, no idea why, but i'm glad he did. I wasn't lying when i told guys that i didn't date. It was true, so if your reading this, and i've hurt your feelings, i didn't mean to. i was never really sure why i didn't date, until chris happened. then i realised that i was just waiting for him. alright enough of this sappy crap!

On 11 November, my house caught on fire. It wasn't burnt entirely to the ground, but it may as well have been. It is still in the process of being rebuilt, which makes no sense to me because they put up new houses in a week in those new developments, but then again, maybe i'm stupid. So i'm living in an appartment three blocks away from home. My nan's best friend lives downstairs, its her house. I don't really mind except that it makes it hard to forget that we're living in somebody else's house when she comes up the stairs to go to her attic or other things like that. Hopefully we'll be back home by early spring, but i don't know. The siding has been half-way done for a week or so, and they haven't done anything inside since then either. there are no upstairs walls yet, and i'm not sure what all has to be done. *sigh* oh well.


Darkmaer said...

Well i think the Main reason why your house is taking forever compared to those town houses that get put up real quick is there is no money in it for them. where those town houses there creating new homes for new people to move in meaning money in there pocket.

But thats great about the school and the relationship. glad life is going good for ya.

HB said...

Think about it this way, do you really want your house to be all cookie cutter and cheaply made or do you want it to have character?
and yay for the Weasley's B'day!