15 February 2010

Theory of a Princess

Ok folks, it's confession time. Now I know this my come as a surprise to you but, I don't know who I am.  That is, I can't define Shaunna.  In my life, loads of people will ask me to tell them about myself, or to describe myself in so many words.  I'm actually not all that interested in these personal ad type of situtations.  How is somebody expected to make a decision about me based on a few words that I think, just maybe, might describe me?  Fun, loyal, good with children, house broken. 

Most define themselves as what they do.  But what you do is not who you are.  I study communication but I am not communication, I work at Hot Topic but I am not just an employee... so what am I?  It is possible to build up a framework of who a person should be based on their history and traits, but this cannot always predict how they are going to react or feel about something.  People are complex beings that are constantly changing. 

For example somebody could look at me and say that I am:

  • a girl in her early 20s
  • a college student studying theatre
  • a keyholder at a retail store
  • a little eccentric
  • loud
From these things that are observed about me without getting to know me, many people make assumptions as to my feelings about certain issues, and even my sexuality.
So let me clear up the common misconceptions regarding that that is Shaunna
  • No I am not a lesbian
  • No I do not sacrifice small animals
  • No I do not want to become a famous actress
  • and no I do not try to be different from everybody else
I do what I like, and what feels right to me at the moment, as we all should.  I go through phases of life that, while they may not last, impact who I am as a person.  Do not let society try to define you, because how can you define something that is in a constant state of change.

What if people would ask us to, instead of define ourselves, to theorize about ourselves?  Theories are constantly changing and adapting to new circumstances, can be proved wrong or right, but are never set in stone. 

So here is my current theory on who I am:  I am a loving friendly girl with faith and hope beyond measure.  Loyal to those that are loyal to me, and bitchy to those that deserve it.  My spirit is too big for my body, and loves too fully, and without thought.

This is me for now, who knows what I will be next. 
I'm never the same person when I go to sleep as when I wake up

Peace, Love, and Potions
The Princess Signing Off

P.S. Prince Harry, if you're reading this, I know you and Chelsey are back together, but my offer still stands.