13 July 2008

Ugh... and then some

Have you ever noticed how people show up at the most inopportune times for your mental well being? For example, that one person that you want to shove off of a cliff would more than likely be the same person who would call you to talk about a deadline for work on the day that you crashed your car. Or If you just got an amazing offer to go live in Scotland for a year with a pipe band full of well built kilties and your best friend decided that she had to be the attention whore and like O.D. on Vicodin and Clorox bleach and live to tell about it, thus creating a situation where you were unable to live with said kilties...

Well I have the same problem... sort of. There are a few guys in my life that could control me without even trying. My weaknesses that I don't like to point out. There are three to be exact. Four if you count Prince Harry, but as we have never actually met or contacted each other to begin with, he cannot be blamed for his blatent sex appeal. You see, these three guys I can eventually forget. It takes me a painfully long time, but in the end I do tend to be able to forget them after about 3 months of the last time I saw them. But then they always tend to show up just as I had forgotten about them. It's simple really. This week alone I recieved an IM from one, and saw another walking in the mall past my store. And a little while before, about two weeks ago, I found out that the other one broke up with his girlfriend.

It's a cruel trick of fate that my attention span is directly proportional to their ability to show up. It messes with my mind and I think I could pretty much just go insane at this moment. Maybe I should just jump one of them and get it over with. If only...

On that note, I leave you with this...
"It's not rape if you yell surprise!"


Darkmaer said...

personally you only live once...take the kilties and Scotland...

I think it has alot to do with the law of attraction...subconsciously your bringing them back into your life. cause no matter what even if someone is completely happy single...they still want to love and be loved.

but i was reading from a new forum that i joined and ran across this...i think this can be relayed and everyone can find it to be something to think on.

"Too many people want/hope that the perfect mate, friend, pet, spirituality, job, home is waiting to be found, but don't see that actually, we must work to make what is available to us into the perfect mate, friend, pet, spirituality, job or home. We take what we have, and grow together with it, and with effort, patience and time we find we've created something awesome, but rarely, if ever do we just stumble on a perfect fit, the one right answer to all our desires."